When training in person isn’t feasible, we must turn to other solutions.
They say it is impossible to improve while training solo or that you can’t learn through online training. Yes, if it was easy, everyone would do it!
They also say you can’t learn on your own, even though they train shadow boxing in front of a mirror. Well, we AMPLIFY this with our one-of-a-kind deliberate practice tool,, our AI Coach. THAT’s the mirror that gives you feedback!
With only 95 US$ / 4 weeks, you will get the luxury of:
- Two live online sessions (every other Saturday 3 p.m. EET, 12 p.m. UK, 8 a.m. EDT..)
- Unlimited use of the library & online AI tool
- Over 100 different self-defence situations with solutions to train
- Self-Defence Tactics lessons to enhance your awareness skills
- ON-DEMAND training sessions to enhance your physical capacity
- Personal advice and coaching with our head instructor, coach Tommi Nystrom
So, let’s count this down:
With about 3 US$ / day, you will get:
- A great workout that will help you stay physically fit and gain self-defence skills that will keep you and your family safe.
- Constant knowledge that you’re training the right things and not wasting your time learning something that will not work, should you ever need it.
- Flexibility that a gym membership can’t give you.
- Countability to keep you training all the time.
- Personal Coaching from one of the top instructors in personal safety and security
- Email us, and we’ll invite you to our live sessions and book you a personal coaching session with Coach Tommi Nyström
- And once you’re in, you can cancel anytime you want!
- This isn’t for everybody, but this might be just the solution for you!
Watch our video Is master Wong WRONG? REACTING to knife self defense